What are Caring Kids Birthdays?

  • Birthday parties that focus on FUN not on getting stuff.
  • Birthday parties that empower kids to help others and help the environment.

What is this website all about?

This site provides ideas and links for kids and parents who want to host more environmentally-friendly birthday parties. 

Our Honour Roll celebrates children who have traded presents for donations to charity to make a difference in the world. We are adding together all the efforts reported to us to show what great things kids can accomplish working together. 

Ideas for holding a Caring Kids Birthday Party

Consider one or all of the following ideas:

  1. Ask for a different kind of present!  If you hold a birthday party for classmates and friends, why not ask for a small donation for charity instead of a present.  Most kids receive all the birthday presents they need from their parents and relatives.  Send the name of your selected charity and amount raised to be added to the totals logged on this website.  Contact us at info@caringkidsbirthdays.com.
  1. Instead of buying disposable plates, utensils and cups, you can borrow a party box from the Caring Kids Birthday Group … saves money and the environment too!  Check out Party Box for more information.
  1. Skip the party loot bags or check out Green Loot Bags for ideas and links for “greener” loot bag options.
  1. Focus on having fun and games at a party rather than on receiving and opening presents.  Look at Party Games for ideas and links to other sites.


We are constantly updating our site with new additions to the Honour Roll, with more links for hosting eco-friendly birthday parties, and other new features. 
Check back!