Caring Kids Honour Roll

Here are some kids who asked for donations to a charity of their choice instead of receiving birthday presents at their party.  Way to go!

Check out total contributions to date at the bottom of the page.  See what kids had to say about their decision to use their birthday to help those in need at Kids Quotes.



Emily, Corner Brook:  donated items from the S.P.C.A. wish list plus dog and cat food in 2008.

Graham, Corner Brook:  donated money and dog and cat food to the local S.P.C.A in 2008.

Heidi, Newfoundland:  donated to the Gander S.P.C.A. in 2007.

Maddy, Corner Brook:  donated to the local S.P.C.A. in 2008

Sarah G., Corner Brook:  donated to SOPAR, an organization that provides clean drinking water for communities in India, in 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Skyler, Corner Brook:  donated to the local S.P.C.A. in 2007 and 2008.

Sophia, Corner Brook:  donated dog and cat food to the local S.P.C.A. in 2008.

Tess, Corner Brook:  donated money plus dog and cat food to the local S.P.C.A in 2007 and 2008.

The Kids of Wakefield, Quebec:  Nicholas, Kieran, Robert, Sebastien, Isaac and many others have donated over $1000 between 2006 - 2008 to charities such as the Wakefield Grannies (who send money to families in South Africa where grandmothers are caring for grandchildren whose parents have dies of AIDS), the Wakefield Youth Recreation Association, and the Humane Society.

Valentina, Corner Brook: donated to World Vision in 2008.


See how kids can help!

Total reported to date to Caring Kids Birthdays:  $1767 plus over 340 pounds of dog and cat food for an estimated total of $2107!

Write us at to tell us about contributions to charity you raised at your birthday party.  We’ll add you to the Honour Roll and our Kids Can Help! total contributions.