About Caring Kids Birthdays group

The Caring Kids Birthdays website has been started by a group of parents in Corner Brook, Newfoundland.  We observed a good deal of waste and excess associated with standard children’s birthday parties and wanted to encourage some “greener” alternatives.

Party invitations are often circulated to whole classrooms in order to be inclusive of all.  This is a great idea but means that a child can receive over 20 birthday presents at a single party.  Do kids really need that much stuff?  Should we expect our planet to provide the resources for all those excess gifts?  Is that really inclusive of kids who are not financially well-off enough to buy presents?  Ok, and who really wants to spend their Saturday trying to find a suitable gift?

There are so many easy but disposable options for feeding groups of people these days.  Often the end of a birthday party means rolling up disposable plates, cups and cutlery in disposable tablecloths and dumping them into garbage bags.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have an inexpensive way to leave a better memento of a birthday party than full garbage bags?

It seems like such a needless impact on the environment for a situation that is intended to bring joy and special attention to the birthday child and their friends.

We are setting up this website and lending out a Party Box of reusable dishes to provide an alternative to kids and parents.  We want to put the idea out there that it is ok and even cool to trade presents for charitable donations, skip party loot bags or use washable dishes and cutlery instead of expensive brand-name disposables. Not all the ideas we present on the website will appeal to everyone and we don’t expect them to.  Even adopting one idea is a step forward for the environment. 

All Caring Kids Birthday Club ideas and suggested activities are non-profit and purely voluntary for the participants.  We don’t collect any funds, but simply report charitable contributions by children as they are reported to us.

We are parents ourselves and are very careful about the kind of information that gets posted on this website.  Check out our Security Policy.

If you have any questions, ideas, links to related websites or comments, please contact us at info@caringkidsbirthdays.com.